Home Services


Welcome back – 18th April

Welcome back! It’s great to be able to say ‘Welcome back’ to our worship services up at the church from Sunday 18th April starting at 10.30am. It’s been a long time. Of course, we still have to maintain social distancing, wear masks, and singing is restricted, but we can be together to worship, pray, and talk –
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Worship Services resume

Hello Great news! Our worship services resume every Sunday at 10.30am from April 18th 2021. We still have to follow the latest government guidance by staying in our groups, wearing masks, maintaining appropriate social distancing and not singing – but we can be together for worship! Services will continue to
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Easter Services

Hi all. We’ll be live online for our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services (2nd & 4th April) on our main Facebook page. Grapevine Community Church Facebook page  It will be great if you can join us to celebrate Easter. The Good Friday service will include a communion so please do bring your bread and […]
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Nativity Service 2020

We hope you enjoyed our Nativity Service on Sunday 20th December. A Big Thank you to all the Crib Crew, Kids, band, and back up team for this year’s 2020 Nativity Service. A really great morning with lots of surprises – social distancing, family bubbles, and even two Josephs! Thanks for all your hard
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