Home 2021 July 19 Coronavirus guidance from 19th July 2021

Coronavirus guidance from 19th July 2021

Coronavirus guidance from 19th July 2021

Grapevine – Changes in Coronavirus guidance from 19th July

Hi Folks

As you know the government has relaxed regulations on coronavirus from 19th July 2021. In every situation there is likely to be a range of feelings about the risks involved and so in taking our own specific circumstances into account here at Grapevine we are proposing to adopt the following for the near future.

Face masks: There will be no legal requirement to wear face masks inside the church. However, if folks prefer to wear a mask, depending on their own personal view of risk, they should continue to do so. It is important at this time that we are sensitive to the needs of one another.

Singing: Congregational singing will now be allowed as part of worship services and our online livestreaming of services will remain.

Social Distancing: Although social distancing is no longer a legal requirement, we are asking everyone to apply a ‘common sense’ approach by maintaining distance in seating and within any social groupings – considering the needs of the other person first.

Track and trace: We will still display the Track and Trace QR code at the door to offer people the chance to check in but they do not have to, and we cannot insist on people registering. This also applies to our own signing in sheets. However, the government still suggests that venues continue to ask people to register for a venue check in (the QR code) or by signing in, as it will continue to form one of the main ways of them identifying people exposed to coronavirus.

Food and drink: There are no longer any restrictions on serving food and drink but we will continue to provide gloves, masks and aprons plus appropriate cleaning materials for anyone working and serving from the kitchen. We will continue to encourage the use of pre-packaged biscuits and use of individual portions for refreshment purposes. Regular and rigorous cleaning of cups and mugs after refreshments will be maintained.

Cleaning: Frequently touched surfaces and well used areas such as entrances will still be regularly cleaned using appropriate materials, and all our rigorous cleaning routines will remain. The building should be cleaned after each worship service or event and then ventilated, as is currently in operation.

Hand sanitisers & Hand washing: Hand sanitisers and notices will remain at our entrances and other key points in the building and should be used. Everyone is also encouraged to wash their hands regularly.

Personal vulnerability: If you consider yourself to be clinically vulnerable, please continue taking extra precautions to protect yourself, such as limiting close contacts, wearing your mask, and washing your hands regularly.

Developing symptoms: Anyone who develops coronavirus symptoms should still self-isolate, immediately book a coronavirus test, inform the church and let NHS Track and Trace know.

This is a big step and we all need to do what we can to ensure everyone feels safe coming into our church. Everyone will have a different set of criteria by which they judge whether they feel safe in or not and the relaxation of restrictions is a source of significant anxiety for some. But we hope that taking this measured approach will help make folks really feel safe.

We so look forward to seeing you all very soon.




Author: Ade Marks