Home 2021 April 15 Welcome back – 18th April

Welcome back – 18th April

Welcome back – 18th April

Welcome back!

It’s great to be able to say ‘Welcome back’ to our worship services up at the church from Sunday 18th April starting at 10.30am. It’s been a long time. Of course, we still have to maintain social distancing, wear masks, and singing is restricted, but we can be together to worship, pray, and talk – all in praise to God. If you can’t make it, don’t worry, services will continue to be livestreamed on our main Grapevine Community Church Facebook page, so this is a great way to keep in touch. Children’s groups will also be running as part of the service – a big thank you to all the team for organising this.
Currently, we don’t have a booking system for seating because we believe we have enough capacity, but please do stay in your ‘bubbles’ during the service.
It’s been a tough year, and it’s not over yet, but we want to say a massive ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who has worked quietly in the background to maintain and grow this fellowship. Your generosity, support, prayers and efforts are just amazing and Grapevine could not exist or function without you. This includes all the technological support, pastoral care, cleaning, praying, building maintenance, keeping in contact with one another, outreach to the community, as well continued regular giving – just astounding!
We’ve still got that passion to do God’s work to do here in Illogan together and folks are asking if they can join in after watching online – which is just great!
As soon as we can, we’d like to get our kids’ and toddler’ work restarted, but we’ll only open up when it is safe and practical to do so and when we have the correct numbers of volunteers. So, please keep a close look on our Facebook page and website – we’ll announce as and when activities and groups restart. In the meantime, we’ll continue to use Zoom for chats and to keep in touch.
Isaiah 43:19 Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.

Author: Ade Marks