Home 2021 January 31 Alpha Online – come and join us

Alpha Online – come and join us

Alpha Online – come and join us

Everyone should have the chance to explore faith, ask questions, and share their point of view – that’s what the Alpha course is all about. So if you’ve got questions about life or faith, why not come and join us? We’re starting an Online Alpha course here at Grapevine on Tuesday March 2nd 2021 from 7.30pm to 9.00 using Zoom. Alpha is a series of sessions over 11 weeks exploring the Christian faith – each week there is a video which looks at a different question designed to promote discussion. But any question is valid!

Alpha is designed for people who do not have any faith, are looking into the Christian faith, or are Christians and what to look at more.

So if you would like to know more about faith or just have some questions on life, this is for you. Let’s chat together!

Sessions will be informal and always sensitive to the needs of those attending and you will be doing it on the Zoom platform from the comfort of your own house. Each week we’ll send out a Zoom link so you can join us on the evening.

If you want to know more about Alpha, why not have a look at their website? Try Alpha

If you would like to sign up, just drop me an e mail at gccoffice@btinternet.com


Ade Marks


Author: Ade Marks